😃 Our paper named Edge-centric Programming for IoT Applications with Automatic Code Partitioning is accepted to IEEE Trans. on Computers !
🤝 Presenting our LinkLab project at 56th Higher Education EXPO China ! Check it out here and see you in Tsingtao!
😃 Our paper named ThingSpire OS: a WebAssembly-based IoT Operating System for Cloud-Edge Integration is accepted as a poster of ACM MobiSys 2021 !
🤝 Presenting WiProg and S2 at IEEE INFOCOM 2021 ! Check it out here!
🍀 Honored to be awarded for INFOCOM 2021 Student Conference Grant! See you soon (online)!
😃 Our paper named S2: a Small Delta and Small Memory Differencing Algorithm for Reprogramming Resource-constrained IoT Devices is accepted as a poster of IEEE INFOCOM 2021 !
[2021-01-08]👉🏻 Our CS-related conference tracker is now online! See here or via the top of this page. Stars and pull requests are also welcome!
😃 Our paper named Queec: QoE-aware Edge Computing for IoT Devices under Dynamic Workloads is accepted to ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks !
😃 Our paper named WiProg: A WebAssembly-based Approach to Integrated IoT Programming is accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2021 !
🤝 Presenting EdgeProg at IEEE ICDCS 2020 ! Check it out here! This year is the 40th anniversary of ICDCS, see more at Conf. Program.