😃 Our paper named From Perception to Computation: Revisiting Delay Optimization for Connected Autonomous Vehicles is accepted to ACM Computing Surveys! April showers bring May flowers, great congratulations to Tianen!!
😃 Our paper named Agent-as-a-Service: an AI-native Edge Computing Framework for 6G Networks is accepted to IEEE Network! Grateful for the valuable advice provided by Prof. Shuai Wang, as well as the dedication of my PhD students Tianen, Weilong, and Chengqing!!
😃 Our paper named WaWoT: Towards Flexible and Efficient Web of Things Services via WebAssembly on Resource-constrained IoT Devices is accepted to IEEE Trans. on Computers! Grateful for the valuable advice provided by Prof. Wei Dong and Yi Gao, as well as the dedication of my colleague Hongchang!
😃 Our Blue Book: Edge Computing Power (《边缘计算蓝皮书》in Chinese) is published at ICT China High Level Forum! This achievement is made possible through a collaborative effort with prestigious institutions such as CAICT and other esteemed colleagues! See this link for more details.
😃 Our paper named BLEdge: Edge-centric programming for BLE applications with multi-connection optimization is accepted to ACM TOSN! Congrats to LI Yeming!
😃 Our paper named SimEnc: a High-Performance Similarity Preserving Encryption Approach for Deduplication of Encrypted Docker Images is accepted to USENIX ATC 2024! Congrats to SUN Tong!
😃 Our paper named dTEE: A Declarative Approach to Secure IoT Applications Using TrustZone is accepted to IEEE/ACM IPSN 2024! Congrats to SUN Tong!
😃 Our paper named Privacy-preserving Human Activity Recognition via Video-based Range-Doppler Synthesis is accepted to CSCWD 2024! Congrats to CUI Zhiyuan!
🍀 Honored to be enrolled for Zhishan Young Scholar Program of Southeast University !
😃 Our paper named WebInf: Accelerating WebGPU-based In-browser DNN Inference via Adaptive Model Partitioning is accepted to IEEE ICPADS 2023! Congrats to DONG Bing!